January 2024

The latest improvements and fixes for the App Catalog

✨ New

  • 🇬🇧🇳🇱🇫🇷🇩🇪🇪🇸: We are excited to make the App Catalog even more accessible! All App Catalog components are now fully localized in English, Dutch, French, German and Spanish. This means not only install/update notifications, but the full Catalog App including app descriptions for over 1200 apps, thanks to the power of AI ✨. When your users launch the Catalog App, it detects the macOS primary language and automatically displays everything in an available language. Localization is available in version 1.3.0 of the Catalog App.

App Catalog Customer Portal

  • App install and update logs are now available in the Customer Portal for visibility and troubleshooting purposes.

🛠 Fixed


  • Several server side improvements

Catalog Agent & Catalog App


  • When apps are excluded from updates using the ExcludeAppsUpdate key, updates will no longer be presented in the Catalog App.

  • The Catalog App will no longer be shown in the Catalog App as an installed app or update.

  • Improved code requirement validation for communication between the Catalog App and Privileged Helper Tool (macOS 13 and later).

  • When clicking on an app in the Catalog App to open the install sheet, it no longer needs to load the app information and is much faster.

  • Image loading has been improved by using more modern frameworks.

  • When Admin Mode is enabled, the Settings button in the sidebar now works again for macOS 14 and later.

  • Several UI improvements

Last updated